
Monday, December 8, 2014

 What do you notice about your surroundings?

One of the measuring sticks in spiritual maturity is being connected with God's stunning natural beauty. The Garden of Eden is no longer visualable to the naked eye because God decided to take it away. However, He has left us with an abundance of other beautiful natural habitats.

God's unique creations are exposed both day and night. He has made our experience in His Kingdom appealing and comforting to the soul. It pleases Him when we give thanks for His creations.

I am grateful for the wonderful connection God has allowed me to experience in regards to the planet. One of my favorites is the harvest moon. The Lord made the moon so large at this stage of its cycle that I feel as though I can reach out and touch it. No matter how many times I see the harvest moon the experience is so stunning that I always find something new in its marvelous setting.

What is your favorite natural environment? 

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