
Wednesday, February 25, 2015

The Art of Selflessness

Like an artist, altruism requires certain abilities in order to bring out the full fruits of its labor. Christ is the only instructor capable of bringing those abilities in line with God’s word.

 The art of selflessness needs the best instructions. And there is no Greater Teacher to learn from than Him.

God has designed the selfless picture Christ has painted for you. Inside its frame holds all the details about your path of altruism. And the only thing you need to focus on is paying attention to the way Jesus has so masterfully revealed the actions you are to take within its scenery.

Christ’s selflessness witnessed at the time of His crucifixion is all the evidence any Christian needs to know about living selflessly. The Messiah courageously and graciously fulfilled God’s will by giving His life for the remission of sins. Our salvation proves this fact.

 Now if that isn’t enough to convince anyone the actual meaning of selflessness, then they are still blinded to God’s word.

Remarkable things happen when Christ’s hand is present in our lives.

 Look at all the extraordinary solutions He has allowed you to find in troubling circumstances. Those times when you felt your problems weighing heavily on your shoulders and the serenity He provided to your soul. The difference He made when your grief was overbearing, the strength He supplied in moving beyond calamities, not of your making and the godly way of responding to the sins of others. 

The Lord well provides your needs in human survival and spiritual welfare. God is constantly giving and eager to continue doing so for as long as you faithfully follow His fathering lead. That’s His way of demonstrating the selflessness. When you follow the Lord’s lead, there is no way but to live unselfishly. 

Unselfish living is a conscious decision to live in God’s will.

 Selflessness is a spiritual craft that continues to evolve because God frequently places us in the position to get out of ourselves. It can’t be mastered or endured for we never know when Christ will call upon us to lend a helping hand to one of His children in distress.

By humbling ourselves before God, ensure us, we won’t miss the mark when He guides us to make a difference in someone else’s life.

  There is no better way for us to radiate Christ’s love with others than giving of ourselves without expectations. No matter the personal cost, it’s always better to give than to receive. Here we are expressing a type of giving that has no price tag on it and the rewards Christ gives are incredible. As the result of living this way we draw closer to God. And the closer we are with Christ the better we become at living a life free from selfish motives.

 One of the things I cherish about my journey with Christ is how He continues to make me a useful instrument of God’s will. I’ve  discovered the most devoted I’m to Christ the easier it becomes in moving away from my personal agenda. That has allowed me to have pure motives in regards of helping others.  Another benefit from building a daily reprieve with Christ is being able to accept difficult people and assist them without being emotionally entangled with negativity.
When I become spiritually unbalanced one of the ways, Christ restores my equilibrium is directing me to someone who is in need of comforting. As soon as I act on that command (almost instantly) the Holy Spirit presence becomes noticeable, and a peace is evident. That puts an end to my instability and back into the realm of Christ.

Christ’s portrait for all of us is eternal life, and part of our Christian responsibility is helping our neighbors without expecting a reward. When we act selflessly, God will reward us in ways that are exhilarating. In return, our desire for God increases and the love for others becomes an important part of our daily bread.

How has selflessness helped you in your life?

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