
Friday, December 25, 2015

Merry Christmas

Christmas has arrived. The madness of finding a parking space, standing in long checkout lines, going to parties and decorating the house with ornaments has ended. Preparing the Christmas meal is the last item on the list.

The world’s message of Christmas is full of pride, prestige and extravagance. It’s a glorification of a man and a recognition for personal achievement. God’s enemy (Satan) uses this lifestyle to entice weak souls and corrupt their hearts.

The greatest significant testimony to Christ’s birth is the way God guided the three wise men to Bethlehem. God called on them to travel to Christ’s birthplace and worship the King of Israel. Their faith in God was strong since they dropped what they were doing to follow the Lord’s command. And their gifts of gold, frankincense and myrrh showed they were men of high stature.  

God is remarkable. He has allowed humanity the privilege of connecting with His Son the Lord Jesus Christ. Our Father’s final plan began in the manger where baby Jesus lay. God stopped using prophets hundreds of years before implementing this eternal plan. We are fortunate to receive His generous gift.  

No human is superior to another in God’s house. Every day we have an excellent opportunity to stay in God’s favor by picking up our cross (regardless of personal sacrifice) and walk with Christ. Christmas made this possible. Our Father’s grace has eternal rewards.

Christmas paved the way for you to take your place in God’s kingdom. Remember, without Christ the entrance is closed. So join me and set aside a few minutes of private time and give God praises for Christ.

Merry Christmas and I love you.

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